Saturday, December 11, 2010

Fat Day

So Im having a fat day, I wanted to go out but my bitches bailed and so we are all being bored at home in separate houses and Im just eating because TV is balls.  As I read my NW and think about Jen and her growing breasts, ( are they growing or is she just 40 and getting fatter?) Im also wondering why scientists can take ears and grow them on the backs of mice, but they cant make the icecream im eating not make me fat. Why is it 2010 and food can still be our enemy? When are we gonna sort this out and just make all food taste great and be great, surely it cant be that hard?

Real Women??

Ra ra ra all the bitches ranting about skinny models are ruining it for all the people who are naturally skinny, or "slim" as they prefer to be called. The next time a womens mag uses the title "real woman" I am going to explode, the skinny girls still got ovaries right?, still has boobs albeit probably a little tinier, but being a size 8 doesnt mean youve suddenly fallen into the rhelm of neither real nor unreal. I wonder what people who use the title "real woman" think other women are? men? imaginary? Ghosts of skinny days past?

Bitch you White not Gangster!

Wiggas, what is it? The whiter you are the harder you try not to be. Like one day you wake up and realise that your parents have paid for everything, youre totally straight and boring and you cant figure out a better way to grit yourself up than to pretend youre black?   I recently saw a prime wigga example on popular blog this full time blogger jets around to fashion weeks and claims blogging is his full time job, he is the epitome of white, cringingly so . Grandad outfit at age 20 something: check, shameless self promotion of self and friends who dont seem to do anything but do seem to have an unending stream of money; check. Mr Isaac has just done the extreme Wigga and created a sweatshirt with the slogan "Shawty Wanna Thug?" on the front. I dont see a shawty in his circle of friends and daddy must be purchasing his thug for him if anyone decides they do want one , looking at the promo picture there isnt a thug in sight, only a sniff of mummys handwashing and the soft touch of cashmere.

Its like when Glee does Madonna and tries to be sexy singing "Like a Virgin" we all know youre virgins lets not pretend